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Dr. Jhuma Ganguly


I am Dr. Jhuma Ganguly, currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal, India. My husband’s name is Dr. Dipesh Gangopadhyay (husband), and my son’s name is Samriddha Ganguly. During my school years in Durgapur, I was attracted to chemistry. I was fortunate to have wonderful academic ambiances in Durgapur Government College and subsequently in the Burdwan University (BSc and MSc). I pursued my Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB-CSIR). After completing my Ph.D., I joined the West Bengal College Service as Lecturer in Chemistry and later I joined the Department of Chemistry in the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur (the then Bengal Engineering and Science University) as an Assistant Professor in 2003 and working there since then.

Dr. Jhuma Ganguly, Supervisor
lady professor sitting in front of laptop cartoon image background removed.png

Current Position

  • Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, IIEST
  • Convener

Academic Qualification

  • MSc, PhD (2003), IICB, Kolkata (Jadavpur University)

  • Research Associate at Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA (2009-2011)

Awards & Fellowship

  • ACCT(I) C. G. Merchant Memorial Award-2024 

  • Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society, Year: 2021

  •  Young Faculty Research Award 2015 [BECAA – WMA And GAABESU Shibpur Foundation USA], Year: 2015 


Botanic Garden, Dist: Howrah, West Bengal, India - 711103

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